What is the Keto Flu? (Feeling Sick 3-4 Days After Starting the Ketogenic Diet)

What is the Keto Flu?

In the beginning of a new change to the body, we often experience some discomfort. The body needs time to adjust to any major dietary changes before it gets back to a state of normalcy. Because the state of ketosis is a massive change to the body, you will likely experience some distasteful side-affects. The important thing is to remember that these negative results will go away soon enough, and it is important to push through them. During this adjustment period many people feel overwhelmed and often give up on their progress. This is the hardest struggle of the keto diet, and once you push through it things get a lot easier. It is important to remember that this is perfectly normal and most everyone experiences a few negative side-affects during the adjustment period.

Your body has likely become adjusted to a high carbohydrate diet and is used to consuming carbs for a source of energy. Because of this you will experience a sort of carbohydrate withdrawal which is often referred to as the “keto flu”.

What does it feel like?

The symptoms you may feel during your adjustment period can vary from person to person. Because your body has built up a natural understanding of how to process carbs to make the glucose that is needs and has experienced very little in the way of processing fats for energy, it needs time to adjust. The body often needs a decent amount of time to fully adapt to any major changes, especially if you have been on a high cab diet for most of your life. The flip side is that the body does a surprisingly good job of adjusting, as long as you give it the proper time. Most people are capable of adapting properly to the keto change, as long as they push through the beginning side-affects. Some symptoms can range from mild irritation, to uncomfortable headaches and stomach distress. We have listed a range of symptoms below.

  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Headaches
  • Stomach Discomfort
  • Irritability
  • Cough
  • Dizziness
  • Fogginess

While some people may experience very minimal symptoms, others may be slightly more severe. Just remember to monitor your body’s changes and keep yourself pushing through. Some helpful tips are to make sure you keep drinking plenty of water, and even increase your intake of salt. Maintaining your electrolytes will help decrease these negative symptoms as your body adjusts.

For the devoted gym goer it is important to remember you may feel a big weaker at first. Your endurance and strength may drop a bit but this will go away soon enough. After your body has adjusted you may even experience high levels of energy throughout the day, so just keep yourself going past this initial struggle.

Your body is essentially coming down from a carb addiction and just needs time to adjust. Your withdrawals may diminish within a few days, but your body takes a few weeks to fully adjust to ketosis. Preparing yourself mentally for this struggle can be helpful in pushing through it. When you fully realize the rewards and the positive effects that this change will have on your body, you can better equipped yourself for the initial struggle. Having more energy and being able to get yourself to a healthy weight, are wonderful results of the keto diet. Once your body has adjusted to the changes you will be able to diet without feeling constantly hungry, which is a major plus. The truth is that nobody likes feeling the negative side effects of anything, and flu-like symptoms aren’t the most pleasant to deal with. The rewards far outweigh the minimal discomforts that you have to feel to adjust to this new diet. Anything change requires some adjustments, as long as you prepare yourself for that you should do just fine.