Depleted Magnesium on the Ketogenic Diet

Keto & Magnesium Supplements Supplementing Magnesium into your diet can be very helpful especially on the Ketogenic Diet. Magnesium helps your nervous system and has a relaxing effect on your muscles and your body. It can also help with muscle cramps, heart arrhythmia and anxiety. Magnesium levels are typically low on a North American diet. …

Pork Rinds: The Ketogenic Diet’s Best Kept Secret

Pork Rinds: The Ketogenic Diet’s Best Kept Secret Being on the ketogenic diet does mean that you have to cut out a few things from your diet that may be a struggle for most people. The positive side to this, is that people are extremely creative in coming up with new ways to make the …

Carbohydrate Addiction: How To Beat Cravings

Carbohydrate Addiction: How To Beat Cravings When you are diving into the ketogenic diet, you may find yourself experiencing carbohydrate cravings. This comes from your body essentially being addicted to those refined sugars that it is so used to consuming. Your body is used to getting its supply of energy from your consumption of carbs, …

The Ketogenic Diet Vs. The Atkins Diet

The Ketogenic Diet Vs. The Atkins Diet When many people are first introduced to the Ketogenic Diet they make comments like “that sounds just like that Atkin’s diet” or “didn’t that Atkins guy do this and die?” However, while these diets do have some overlapping similarities, they are still fundamentally different. The goal of Keto …

What is the Keto Flu? (Feeling Sick 3-4 Days After Starting the Ketogenic Diet)

What is the Keto Flu? In the beginning of a new change to the body, we often experience some discomfort. The body needs time to adjust to any major dietary changes before it gets back to a state of normalcy. Because the state of ketosis is a massive change to the body, you will likely …

Understanding Ketosis: The Ketogenic Diet Basics

What is Ketosis? Ketosis is a normal metabolic process that happens when the body is not given enough glucose for energy. On an average carbohydrate high diet the body will use glucose as the main source of energy. When glucose in the body is used to produce energy the fats are not needed and are …